Friday, September 2, 2011

The Storm In iPhone Pics

Woo-hooooooo the power's back!

It feels so great to be blogging on my computer at home!  I'm still trying to get my house put back together, but at this point I don't care.

By the way - dishes are wicked gross if they haven't been washed in five days.

Emphasis on the word gross.

So in the meantime I thought I'd download and upload some of my iPhone pics from the past couple of days.

I did not take pictures of the dishes.

You're welcome.

Someone did NOT like the storm!

Our driveway the morning after the storm - not bad at all.

Trees ... 

... down ... 

... everywhere.

Apparently this was not the source of OUR power problems.

2011 Christmas Card?

My hats off to the crews who have been working so tirelessly to get everything back up and running!

Our bedtime ritual, haha.

Yep.  Every night.

Driving was ... um ... scary.

I love them.

This is a video I took on Sunday morning - the winds got worse throughout the day, but still ... nowhere near the 150 mph that some areas have the country have seen with Category 4s and 5s.

Hurricane Irene from Sarah Weaver on Vimeo.

Alright - enough babbling from me.  Anyone else still waiting on power?


  1. YAY! So glad the power is back!! Great (aka scary) pics!

  2. I know, when I look at them again I am that much more grateful that my power is back!

  3. So glad the power's finally back for you!!

  4. Thank you! I think everyone did a little dance when it came back on in their houses.

  5. So glad to hear you guys finally got power back up!!


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