Monday, January 24, 2011

Warm Thoughts

My thermometer said it was in the negative teens when I woke up this morning.  I refuse to believe that is true.

Instead, I'm going to post a photo that reminds me of spring every day until this part of New England sees (at least) the freezing mark again.

I took this beauty at Sara and Craig's wedding last May in Tennessee.  Doesn't it remind you of warmer days?

Ahh ... I feel better.

I woke up this morning to no coffee in the house.  How do I let things like that happen?  I did have about one scoop (not enough for a full pot) and Bruce suggested using that to make one cup for myself.

So I pulled out my mini french press!  Look at how cute it is next to the regular sized one.

I paired some scrambled eggs with leftover communion bread this morning.  Some days it pays to be a Protestant. :)

I heated up the bread for about 40 seconds and melted some butter on it.  So delicious!

I've got a few errands to run so I am going to stare at my spring photo one more time and then head out.  Sending warm thoughts to everyone!



  1. No, that photo doesn't remind me of warmer days. It reminds me of the hottest day there ever was! It reminds me of peeling off my sweat-drenched wedding dress that afternoon. LOL!

  2. Spring? Warmth? What are those? :P

    What a beautiful picture! It's the kind that just makes you stop and smile.

  3. Sara - HA! I do remember a bridesmaid fainting and a lot of hairspray. Who would have thought it would be that hot in May?

  4. I have just found your blog and have loved reading.

    I CANNOT WAIT for spring either. When I'm stuck in my dark office I close my eyes and image lying in a field filled with dandelions and it keeps me sane!

  5. hahaha. I love that you actually said "leftover communion bread". Awesome. :)

  6. Rachel, welcome to my blog, so nice to meet you! I know what you mean - sometimes I think our imagination can be our best friend this time of year.


  7. Have you ever seen the BK commercial (Or Arby's, can't remember) where they're stuck in a car in the middle of a snow storm and the guy says "think warm thoughts" and all of the sudden his friend is totally stripped down and sweating because he thoguht of a burger? Well ANYWAY, this post is like that! haha I honestly do think thinking warm thoughts helps a ton. :P

  8. I'm so ready for some warmer weather too! Or at least some sunny weather. It's been raining so darn much around here! And you out of coffee???? I don't believe it! haha
    I hope you had a wonderful day!


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