Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sleet Day

Morning!  Happy Wear a Dress Tuesday!

I have a yummy breakfast to share with you today, but first - a lesson in Christmas Tree maintenance.

Water it.

Because if you don't, your carpet will look like this when you take it down.


Moving right along ...

We are having a sleet day here and it definitely called for a hearty breakfast.  I was craving the classic "2 eggs, toast, home fries", but didn't have any potatoes!  I found a delicious substitute ...

Yes, that is rice!  I was staring at it in my fridge and realized that I was craving the starch-ness of the potatoes.  Rice = starch.

It was really good!  And rice is much easier for me to keep than potatoes, so I will definitely be trying this again.  And the texture of the rice worked well with the texture of the scrambled eggs.

I love this mug - Tigger is my favorite Disney character. :)

Another fun part of this mug?  It holds like three cups worth of coffee.

Alright, I'm off to enjoy this winter wonderland we've got going on over here ...

Untitled from Sarah Weaver on Vimeo.

Have a great day!


  1. I thought you said it was supposed to get above 32 today?!? I wouldn't go running out in that. I will run for both of us today...

  2. Sarah, I don't know what happened! It's supposed to do this all day.

  3. RICE FOR BREAKFAST?!?! Why have I never thought of this? You KNOW how I am about rice! :)

  4. Thanks for the watering tip! Although, if I watered mine..there'd just be a huge puddle on the rug. Being that I live alone there's no use in struggling over a real tree. :/

  5. It was my first WADT, both my sister and I wore dresses yesterday.

  6. @Mary - I never understood why people went with artificial trees, but I'm starting to now!

    @Sruthi - Hooray! I hope you enjoyed your first Wear a Dress Tuesday experience.


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