Friday, December 31, 2010

Countdown to 2011: Dessert

Morning!  It's New Year's Eve!  When did that happen?!

Breakfast was a two-egg omelet with sea salt and pepper, served with dry toast. 

And black coffee. :)

Today is the last down in Finding Joy In My Kitchen's Countdown to 2011.  I have had so much fun going through my recipes from this past year - thank you to Sno White for hosting!

On the menu for today: Desserts!  Yummmmmmm.  Here were my favorites ...

WARNING:  These dishes are not low fat.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm convinced it's like having a big bowl of oatmeal.

Chocolate Pecan Pie

This was my Thanksgiving pride and joy!

Dad's Peanut Butter Pie

My dad pulled this recipe out for Christmas and my-oh-my where has this pie been in my life over the past few years?!

Head over to this post to see more dessert recipes! 

I'm working on a photo montage of 2011, so come back later and cross your fingers that it works!

My Other Countdown to 2011 Posts:

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that oatmeal cookies are the same as eating a bowl of oatmeal. Lets just keep believing that :)


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