Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 In Photos

2010 has come to an end.

And what a year it has been! I can't even begin to think about doing a wrap up (see my 2009 wrap up post here), but I thought I would put together a photo montage, dooce-style, to tell the story of 2010.  So sit back, grab some popcorn and tissues and take a 12-month journey with us.  I thought about putting captions in to explain the photographs, but then I realized that my CPE supervisor told me I need to learn how to sit in silence - so I'm letting the photos speak for themselves, sans words (gulp).

However - if you would like an explanation, shout it out in the comments section and I will explain.

(I'm sorry, I have a perpetual need to talk.  I'm working on it.)

Speaking of talking (ahhh, there I go again!), I have to say one more thing.  Thank you.  To everyone who stops in and reads my ramblings every day - thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my aortic pump (ten bonus points if you caught that Friends reference).  The friendships I have made, the friendships I have held onto, the support I have received and the love I have felt as a result of this blog mean the world to me.  I love the comments, emails, messages and calls I get in response to my posts.  Keep them coming - they make my day.  I cannot wait to see what The Strength of Faith has in store for 2011. Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve everyone! See you all next year.

2010 In Photos from Sarah Weaver on Vimeo.


  1. Oh, I just LOVE these posts. It's amazing how you can tell an entire story without writing a word - sometimes the photos say it all. What a memorable year it's been for you! I hope 2011 brings new memories and only the very best :)

  2. Yes, you've definitely had a very eventful year!! A real roller coaster of a year, huh? It all seemed to work out fabulously, though and I'm glad it has. Hope the next year brings even more adventures!


Hello and thanks for commenting! Unless I have your email address, I respond to all questions directly in the comment form. Check back if you've asked one! xo, Sarah

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