Friday, August 6, 2010

Last On Call

I am currently sitting in the chaplain's lounge at the hospital on my last on call of the summer.  I still have two clinical days next week (and a whooooole lot of writing and two days in group), but this is the last night that I will have to walk the halls of Grady as the only chaplain, responsible for covering 16 floors and 1,000 beds.

I had a lull and was catching up on some blog reading.  I was reading Sarah's blog, Yoga For Breakfast, and she said something that really resonated with me:

What I need to do more of is listen. Make the best choices I know how to in any given moment. Love without expectation. Let go. And keep those arms open.
- Sarah Koller

I couldn't have said it better myself.  Thanks for the wisdom, Sarah!


  1. Woo-Hoo for the last on-call!!! Praying that it's quiet and slow for you! Messaged you back and am looking forward to catching up with you soon! Have a great weekend!!!

  2. Yay for your very last on call. Hope you had a great day today! So proud of you and thanks for sharing the quote!


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