Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wear a Dress Tuesday and Another Flashback to High School

I have two fun facts about today's Wear a Dress Tuesday outfit ...

1. It's another skirt from high school!  I fully intend on wearing these 10-year-old skirts until someone tells me to stop.
2. One of my fellow interns had the same skirt in college!  She is three years older than me so her college years match up with my high school years.  When I walked into group this morning she was like, "That was one of my favorite skirts!"  We had a WADT bonding moment, it was nice.

I was talking to a friend of mine at church on Sunday and she told me that her SIL in Mississippi had hijacked her facebook page and was reading my blog and taking part in WADT!  She connected us on facebook and she e-mailed me pics this afternoon ...

Christen and her beautiful daughter!  Both in dresses - I love it!

Christen with one of her coworkers.  She works in a hospital, too!

Later in the day Christen sent me another e-mail ...

She convinced a friend of hers (who lives in another part of north Georgia) to take part in WADT, too!  I love the way social media is spreading the good news that is WADT.

I've got more!

Meet Betsy.  Betsy is a friend of Kari's from med school.  Kari did not participate in WADT this week (she gave me some lame-o excuse about being on her ED rotation and having to wear scrubs) but Betsy's current rotation allowed for participation!  I love the angle that she took this picture from.  I may steal it next week.

And last but not least ...

Sara!  She posted a couple more pictures today and they are so beautiful!

Speaking of Sara - she suggested a couple of days ago that the WADT button link directly to a page about WADT.  I finally managed to create a page for it, which you can either find linked on my left sidebar or up on my top navigation bar.  I updated the button so now it will link directly to that page.  If you get a chance, just re-copy the code.  Thanks!

Wear a Dress Tuesday

I think that's it for now.  I headed out for a walk and ended up on a quasi-run.  I just about died!  Remember when I was in college and ran 6 miles a day?  Yeah ... it's becoming a distant memory for me, too ...

Have a great night!


  1. I participated too! And I started out with a crappy day so it was much needed! Plus I got to go shopping tonight with my mom and I got a whole slew of great clothes...no skirts, but lovely regardless!

  2. My pictures are up!!! And I am copying the button. Thanks for posting the code!

  3. Ironically enough, I went in and changed the HTML on my button yesterday so that it goes to your blog post that explains WADT. Lol! Love it all!!


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