Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Battle of the iPods

Bruce thinks I need an iPod Touch.   I keep telling him that I have a perfectly good iPod, but he seems to think I need an upgrade.  Granted - my iPod is an iPod Mini, part of the first generation that Apple put out.  I bought it over four years ago.  But it still works!!  Why replace something that still works?  part of me knows that even an 8G iTouch can do SO much more than my scratched up 4G iPod mini.  I could watch movies, connect to the internet, check my e-mail, instant message friends and family, download apps and more.  And I could do this ALL while listening to music, which is pretty much all I can do with my current iPod.  I could probably even download an app that's a tuner - which would mean I would no longer need to buy a new tuner for my saxophone (because I lost mine sometime in the move to Atlanta).  So technically - I would be saving myself money elsewhere, right?

But let me got back to my original point - why replace something that still works?  I hate the consumerist attitude that is instilled in Americans that we have to have the latest this and that.  I hate the fact that I feel like I need to keep up with the Joneses.  Are the Joneses really that much better off than I am?  I have an amazing fiance, wonderful family, fabulous friends, a church and denomination that I usually agree with and am getting a top notch education.  The Joneses have NOTHING on me!!!!!

Okay, perhaps you're thinking - Sarah, it's just an iPod.  But today it's just an iPod.  Tomorrow it may be a house or a private school for my children.  I don't know.  My iPod has been so good to me!!  I don't think I'm quite ready to replace it yet.

Life is extremely busy right now - though I'm trying to steal away enough time for myself, for Bruce and for meditation and prayer.  I've been thinking lately about the long runs I used to go on in college.  Running used to be a really good release for me - now that my knees aren't as put together as they used to be, I'm not sure what is a good replacement.  I've got a lot of other releases but none that give me an equivalent to a runner's high.  So for right now I'm just going to try to focus on everything else and pray that something will come to me.

On a happy-wedding-related note (I know I've been focusing so much on the negative so I'm LOVING the fact that I have something happy to report!!) I found out today that Melanie, a really wonderful friend of my family (she lived with us for a year and visited several other times through an exchange program from Germany when I was in middle school) is going to fly to the states for my wedding!!!!!  I am absolutely thrilled and honored!!  It's such a long trip and I'm elated that she thinks my wedding is worth it.

I suppose in the meantime I should get back to homework.  That's what Saturdays are for, after all!!  I took trip back in time this morning and watched "The Babysitter's Club" movie - it was free on demand.  It definitely brought me back to the days when I had read the entire series several times over!!  But break's over - time to be a seminary student!!

Grace and Peace,
Sarah :)

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