Friday, April 15, 2011

They Didn't Teach Me This In Seminary Part 1

While I was getting dressed this morning I started to get progressively more and more excited about PB&J oatmeal. Then I started cooking and realized I had brought the peanut butter and jelly to church for sandwiches this week. Oops.

Brown Sugar & Walnut it was!  I added a delicious garnish of cinnamon.

For the past two days I've been trying to fax our new insurance applications over to the UCC Pension Board.  We tried from the church yesterday, but last night I got word that it didn't work.  I heard that the library had a fax machine so I walked over this morning and asked if I could use theirs.  I  could - success!

Or so I thought.

I got back to my office and emailed over to see if they received the fax.  They had.  This was the response I got.

Good Afternoon Sarah:
I received the fax. However, I think the papers were faxed on the wrong side therefore both sheets were blank.

I'm not sure there is anything else to say on that subject.

Oh yes there is:  TGIF.  Amen.


  1. I'd have absolutley no idea how to fax either. I've only had to send one thing before to Foodbuzz but thanfully my school has a service that'll fax for us. Otherwise who knows what they would have gotten!

  2. HAHAHAHA! This made me laugh! I've had to tell someone that before... :) But really it's a simple mistake b/c some you are supposed to do face UP, but some you are supposed to do face DOWN. Why can't they make them all the same?!?!


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