Thursday, April 14, 2011

Office Progress: Hanging Photos

Our sexton was in this afternoon and offered to hang some photos for me.  He walked in and I was sitting on the floor surrounded by frames, photos, mattes and diplomas.  I don't think he realized what he was getting into when he made the offer, ha!  But I am really happy with the way my office is coming together!  Thank you Todd!

From the doorway.  We decided to hang the beautiful cross-stitch that my Aunt Coni made for our wedding in here because it fit so beautifully.  I like having the angels watch over me!

One of the trustees is getting ready to build floor-to-ceiling bookshelves!  My dream come true ...  

Photos of churches and chapels that I have served at in one way or another!  I'm missing one of Pilgrimage ... 

I framed some of the botanical prints that I had up at my ordination photography show.  I love how they turned out!

My diplomas.  Hoorah.

On the left: The departmental award that I was presented with when I graduated from college.

On the right:  My CPE Certificate!  A lot of blood, sweat, tears, prayers, stomach ulcers and hand sanitizer went into that certificate.

I put a few of the other photos from the show on the bulletin board next to my desk.  I'm not finished with that space yet, but it's nice to have some color up there!

What do you think?


  1. Looks cozy, and like a place that church members would feel comfortable sitting in (which is important!). I love that you have pictures of the other churches that you have served in- it's a great piece of history and part of your story:)

  2. Do you have a pic of Pilgrimage? Or shall I send you on of mine? Carol H.

  3. Just took a minute to catch up!!! Wow -- so many changes, and so many blessings. Glad to see you're getting settled and moving to where God has called you :)

  4. looking good! i love your decorating, could you come over & help me w/ my walls? ; ) i'm just in il-owa. you could make it in like 15 hours... lol


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