Friday, April 8, 2011

Queen Of Procrastination

Okay, so my bulletin still is not finished, but Kim (my pastor from Georgia!) and Kari are here safe and sound and we had a wonderful dinner out full of stories and laughter.  I walked into the restaurant totally exhausted from a busy week and left completely rejuvenated.

I'm using Pages to create the bulletin (it's part of iWork).  It's such a neat program!  I hope it prints out as nicely as it looks on the computer screen.

When I was talking about all of the stuff I have finish up tomorrow, Kim said, "Tomorrow is a brand new day."  She is so right.

Goodnight all!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's going to look beautiful. I was thinking about you and your moving. I'm so glad that you handled this new moving experience so well. I know I would have hated moving again just after a few short months.
    I hope this new beginning brings you guys a lot of joy. I'm so happy for you Sarah!


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