Friday, April 8, 2011

I Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blogging ...

... while I run around like a cat high on catnip.

(That just seems like a nicer image than the whole "chicken with its head cut off" - agreed?)

Here are some adorable puppy photos that were too cute not to share in the meantime ...

Bruce and I had some errands to run in Danbury this morning - now he's at airport pickup #1 while my mom and I run some other errands and then take off on airport pickup #2.  And at some point I HAVE to finish my bulletin!

Wish me luck!


  1. You must be so excited:) I wish I could be there to see you ordained!

  2. Awwe they're so cute! My beswt friend has a pup exactly like that. :)

  3. Aw, puppies!! And I agree w/ your saying - cats high on catnip are much happier creatures than chickens w/o heads!


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