Thursday, March 17, 2011

Theater Dinners

Can we talk about food for a second?

It's an All School Musical tradition that a group of the moms get together and feed the cast dinner, crew and pit on dress rehearsal night.  When I was in high school it was a simple pasta dinner ...

Oh.My.Goodness.Gracious.  It's not simple anymore.

I have four words for you: Sweet And Sour Meatballs.

Wait.  I have one more word: Yum.

There was a ton of food left over so there is currently a container in my fridge. :) I didn't want it to go to waste!

But thank you thank you thank you to everyone who made tonight's dinner happen!

So apparently I should hire my father to be my own personal blogging advertiser.  He got word out in his cast (and then it spread like wildfire!) that I was posting pictures on my blog and now they come in daily to check them! 

So ... Hi guys!  Thanks for coming and checking out my blog and telling me all week that you love it.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are doing amazing and I can't wait for the theater to be full of people tomorrow night!  Here are your daily photos ...

I wish I could post everything I took tonight, but it's getting late!



  1. continuing to LOVE the photos, and be even more amazed by their costumer! i hope you did tell them how awesome they are. the kids all look like they're doing a great job - making me wish i got to see them. :) my cousin bradley is a performer, and it's always so much fun to see his plays!

    happy st pat's day to you - and also, i have awarded you an award at my bloggity blog. : ) congrats!

  2. The photos of the cast are great! I love all the facial expressions and costumes, quite the talented crew!

  3. These pictures are just great! You can feel the energy & fun right through the camera! I wish we lived closer - I'd love to see the show! Break a leg to all those involved - except you, Sarah!


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