Thursday, March 17, 2011

Born To Be A Foodie

Look what I came across in my parent's basement this afternoon ...

I still look like that after a good bowl of oatmeal in the morning.


Lunch was fun!  I took a can of chicken noodle soup and shredded some sharp cheddar cheese into it.  Then I crushed up some tortilla chips and threw them in.  It was like chicken tortilla soup!


As soon as I was officially hired at Rehoboth, my mom emailed me and asked me if I wanted a copy of this book, Feasting The Word.  It's a lectionary-based series (by David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor) that takes a theological, pastoral, exegetical and homiletical approach to each of the lectionary texts every week.  Content aside, they totally had me on the title.  I love the image that every time we're reading scripture we're "feasting" - savoring perhaps? - every single word.

So far it seems like a great resource - my clergy friends should check it out!

Catch 'ya later!


  1. hahaha! I totally just pictured you looking like that after a good bowl of oats!

  2. I've been wanting Feasting on the Word for a long time now...unfortunately it's so expensive to get the whole series!

  3. Ooh love the baby pic! So cute!

  4. yep, it's your blog-- more breakfast pictures complete with you as a baby... ; ) BTW, I have all of the Feasting the Word series except the last one which is due out in the next several weeks. They are great!!! Praying for you as you draw closer to your move to your new home and ministry... Love you...


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