Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Clergy Facts

I realized today as I was being escorted into the passenger seat of a hearse by a funeral director in a pressed black suit that my life and work is probably different from most people.  Vocational ministry is such a strange whirlwind of a blessing and the further I get into it the luckier I feel.

In addition to being in ministry, I also feel like I have such a neat opportunity to teach about ministry.  I know there are a couple of you who read my blog who might be curious about some of the behind the scenes part of the church and I would love to share!  (Well - appropriately share, of course.  There are just some things that I cannot get into.)

Anyway, here is today's tidbit of clergy fun:

The color of the stoles that clergy wear all mean something.  White stoles are worn for funerals (I took this photo before this morning's funeral).  The interesting thing is that white stoles are also worn for weddings, Christmas and Easter - which are certainly celebrations in the life of the church.  But funerals are a celebration!  Every time I put my white stole on for a funeral I think about putting it on Easter morning and then about the fact that nothing really separates us from one another.  It's a neat thought to get caught up in.

Did I lose you yet? :)

I went home for lunch this afternoon - it was nice to be able to cook something hot and take 20 minutes out of my day to eat!

Grilled Cheese with a Cornmeal Crust + Tomato & Basil Soup.  Mmmm.  It was a tad warm for this today, but it was still delicious, nonetheless.

I was out visiting this afternoon and stopped at the grocery store on my way home.  $100+ later (ugh - but necessary!) I was ready for dinner!

 I haven't stir fried since the stir fry disaster of December 2010 - I had much better luck this time around.  I cooked everything in oil and added some water for moisture.  I didn't add the teriyaki sauce until the very end (because I learned from last time that it has a lot of sugar and burns easily!).

Delicious results - husband approved!

We are finishing up this week's episode of Royal Pains and are going to head to bed soon - goodnight!


  1. you did not lose me! very interesting! kinda cool. :)

  2. Where does one obtain such a great stole?

  3. There is a woman in NY who runs the website "Stitch In Time" - she's phenomenal! I have a Lent one from her as well - none of my other stoles hold a candle to hers!

    Here's the website -


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