Monday, June 13, 2011

More Wedding Pics!

The thought just crossed my mind that there are a ton of wedding photos that I never shared on here.  I obviously can't post them all, but here are a few more that I don't think I ever shared.  Enjoy!

Tables set up ahead of time.  In lieu of flower centerpieces, we put down mirrors and covered them with rose petals and candles.  The light reflected off of the mirror - very cool!

Here's an idea of what it looked like lit up ... 

Candy Buffet = Greatest Idea Ever.

Our rings!  They have our wedding date engraved on the inside, as well as the word 'peace' - because that is my prayer for our marriage.

My cousin Gabriella was my flower girl.

She is turning 10 in July.

I'm in denial.

I rocked red lips that day and it was

Side note on my necklace - Bruce bought that for me at the jewelry store when he bought my engagement ring.  He was afraid I was on to him about the fact that he was getting ready to propose so he bought the necklace in the hopes that I would see something pop up on our credit card statement from a jewelry store and be confused as to why it wasn't as much as an engagement ring would cost.

Then he thought he would tell me, "I have a ring for you" and give me the necklace and say, "Hey, it's ring shaped!"  But he decided against that.

I think that was wise.

Did I mention I showed up on a firetruck?

Yes, we set off the lights and sirens.  We kind of got caught up in the moment when we were pulling up.

I'm laughing hysterically because we showed up and everyone was pretty much settled in the church (it was already 3:00), but as soon as the siren went off everyone came piling out to see us.

I know everyone says to never give the ring bearer the actual rings, but Bruce insisted and it ended up working out just fine.  Andrew took his job very seriously and handed the rings over to Steph as soon as he got to the front of the church.

The week before the wedding we found out the Bruce's brother had to report to Sturgeon Bay and his cousin's wife needed surgery, so Bruce was down two groomsmen.  I thought it would be nice to have his sister stand with him and I'm so glad she did!  It was nice to have siblings on both sides of us.

p.s. See that fan in the back?  Notice how it's not turned on.

My friend Max presided over the wedding.  I cannot even begin to thank him for all of the things he has done for me over the years.  (Including today - Max, thank you for the email convo about the history of Onward, Christian Soldiers!)

p.p.s. See the windows in the back?  Notice how they are not open.

We put out extra chairs and the downstairs and upstairs were still standing room only.  Insanity.

p.p.s. Did you know that the more people you put into a church, the hotter it gets?  Did I mention that the windows were shut and the fans were never turned on?

I love this one - it's like they're saying, "Wowww, you're really married!"

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.

Actually, I would turn on the fan.  And open the windows.  But other than that - I wouldn't change a thing.
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