Monday, March 14, 2011

Reviewing My Excitement

So many wonderful things to share this afternoon!  Excitement #1 - The fine folks over at CSN have asked me to do another review with them!  I have worked with them before and been blessed with the opportunity to grow my kitchen, but did you know they have more than just kitchen loot?  Everything from furniture to LCD TV Stands to pet toys to ... well ... everything!

I'm excited to be reviewing these two sets of Rachael Ray Bubble & Brown Ramekin sets.  I actually don't have any ramekins and I think they will be really helpful for me as I continue to figure out how to cook for two!

Excitement #2 - I'm guest posting for Cat over at Budget Blonde today!  Care to guess what I'm blogging about? Why, Wear a Dress Tuesday of course! :) Check out the post here.

Excitement #3 - Lunch was delicious.

Bruce bought a ton of soup while I was under the weather so I made a bowl of chicken & rice today.

I added some finely grated sharp cheddar cheese and crushed up saltines.

Wonderful additions!

Served with a mocktail made up of cranberry juice and ginger ale.  Refreshing!

I'm off to get some more work done before Bruce and I head over to the school to help my dad.  Four days until opening night of Drowsy Chaperone!

Anything exciting going on with you today?


  1. I have the ramekins. Got them for my b-day from Katie Campbell. I use them for EVERYTHING! Yes, I've used them to cook, but they're perfect for snacks when you're practicing portion control.

  2. That's what I was hoping! I love multi-purpose kitchen stuff. And I love the bright bold colors! It's going to fit nicely in the new kitchen. :)

  3. It's fun to make mini casseroles or mac and cheese in ramekins like that. I can't wait to see pictures of your new parsonage Sarah!!

  4. I can't wait to show it off Beth! It's so adorable!


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