Sunday, February 27, 2011

Touchdown Jesus

Quick back story.  I'm working with some people at the church on new techniques of hospitality and new ways of reaching out into the community.  One of the things that we are doing is putting together an up-to-date information brochure, complete with information about our worship, education, fellowship, outreach, etc. etc. 

So today after church my mom and I tried to stage a photo of her speaking from the pulpit.  The whole process was kind of comical, and I ended up with a photo stream that looks like this ...

"And then Jesus came tearing into Jerusalem, healing the sick, helping the oppressed, feeding the thousands and staring into the eyes of his betrayers!"

"And onto the cross, into the grave and OH MY GOD HE ROSE AGAIN!"

"A resurrection!  A resurrection!  I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!"

Come on.  You'd totally come to our church, right?

In other news, my sweet husband cooked us dinner tonight!

Chicken Teriyaki for me,  Salmon Teriyaki for him.  But I did try a piece of his samon!  It was yummy - I may slowly start trying different types of seafood ...

Rice and green beans on the side.  I think the beans were frozen from my parents summer garden!  I love garden veggies.

Night all!


  1. Haha those pictures are so funny! They would make for quite a brochure!

    And the dinner looks delicious!

  2. Mmmm...salmon...

    Looks like some fun preaching going on! ; )


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