Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Is The Cold That Never Ends ...

Morning!  The sun is shining and it's supposed to hit 32 degrees today.

Now, about that snow in the forecast ...

Leftover Oatmeal Cinnamon Walnut Pancakes for breakfast.  The last of my maiden batch - will definitely be making those again!

With some maple syrup, because that's what I have on hand - but I was thinking that these would be great with some vanilla yogurt.  Next time!

The cold that never ends called for another cup of tea this morning.  I miss my black coffee!

Guess what?  My sweet husband bought lots of bread making supplies yesterday!  Guess what we're doing today ...

See you tonight!

(p.s. I'm sorry if the title of this post causes you sing Lamb Chops, "This Is The Song That Never Ends" all day long.  Totally unintentional.)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, such a bummer that you're still fighting that cold. I hope that tea does its job!


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