Monday, January 3, 2011

The Best Laid Plans


First of all - a big blonde congratulations sent out to Leslie at A Blonde Ambition on her New Years Engagement!  (If you remember, Leslie guest-posted for me a few weeks ago).  What a way to close out 2010.

Breakfast was quick and simple.  Egg & Cheese Sandwich on Whole Wheat toast with black coffee and my own Cranberry-Apple Juice concoction.

Yes, that is a large cup of coffee.

I was up to the challenge. :)

Question: Last night Bruce and I were talking about planning.  The conversation went something like this ...

B: Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans ...
Me: Actually, I don't!  How does that saying end?
B: I have no idea.

So we googled ... but came up short.  What do they say about the best laid plans?  Or is that not the saying at all?


  1. I honestly don't think I've ever heard that saying either, hehe! Looks like a great breakfast was had though!

  2. Even the best laid plans of mice and men go array.
    John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

  3. Oops! I meant to say.... AWRY.... not array...



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