Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hit The Road Jack

Greetings from Burlington, North Carolina!

To make a long, kind of funny, sort of pathetic and potential-sermon-illustration story short, we decided to leave today, so we left Atlanta this evening around 5:45, drove about five hours north and are currently curled up in a wonderful pet friendly hotel with free wifi.  I'll fill in the details later, but I will say that it is amazing how far adrenaline will take you - hopefully it will be the same tomorrow for the last leg of the trip!

We have about 11 hours to go tomorrow and then I will be home in Connecticut with my sweet husband where I belong.  I can't wait!

See you in Connecticut!  Love to all.

(p.s. Happy Wear a Dress Tuesday!)


  1. You go girl! I hope you get to your new home safely :-)

  2. So exciting! I've been following along with the whole journey. I'm so excited for the two of you:-).


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