Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bound Out Of Bed With Wear A Dress Tuesday!

Good morning!  Someone was reluctant to get out of bed this morning ...

Tough life.

Breakfast was simple.  Black Coffee + Bagel with Peanut Butter ...

I really like French Press Coffee - it's been a nice change from my coffee maker!  Once we get settled in Connecticut and our kitchen is set up, I hope I still use the French Press from time to time.


Unlike Lilly, I had inspiration to get out of bed this morning - Today is Wear a Dress Tuesday!  For those of you new to my blog, WADT is simple - you wake up on Tuesday, put on a dress and have a fabulous day.  It started about a year ago when my friend Sarah and I were both having miserable starts to our weeks.  I told her on Monday night of that week that we were both going to wear dresses the next day and we WERE going to feel better - and it worked!  Week after week we continued to wear dresses and eventually I started telling my friends about it!  Now it's become a fun weekly tradition - people participate all over the country!

Click on my WADT page for more information.  Click here for all of my WADT posts so you can see photos of everyone taking part!

WADT is also on Facebook.

Join the movement!

1 comment:

  1. So wearing a dress next Tuesday...I love this! I always feel just the slightest bit better in one (and don't forget the heels to top it off, they're totally key!)


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