In all of the new lens - related excitement yesterday, I failed to mention that I had gotten in an awesome 3-mile run at Stone Mountain yesterday morning.
My legs felt awesome when I started off (I can only imagine it had something to do with the 20 minutes of stretching I've been doing a night!) but I totally burned out after three miles. When I uploaded my stats for the day, I realized I had taken off at an 8:30/mile pace! Oy. As great as that will be for my 5K in October, it's really not helpful when I'm trying to train for distance. What's a girl to do?
Click to enlarge if you're interested in looking closer at it.
Hand her training over to her former all-state running husband, of course! This is what my training schedule looks like right now - Bruce e-mailed it to me (yes, from across the room, don't all couples do that?) with the subject line, "This will get you there". The body of the e-mail said, "I want to train with you. We'll start tonight or tomorrow."
Why do I have a feeling my sweet husband is about to turn into a drill sergeant?
I'm cutting this short - unfortunately I am enjoying the beautiful weather from my desk today. I have a pile of ordination-related things that I need to finish before two very important meetings Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Enjoy your Sabbath!
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