Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Half Marathon Training - 9/8/10

Okay.  So today's run confused me.  I'm at my parents house and had a really short window of time that I could run before a meeting, so I decided to run on their treadmill.  But I don't think their treadmill is properly calibrated, because it said I was running WAY slower than I think I actually was - which messed up my distance.  I mentioned the conundrum to my dad and he said, "Oh, yeah it's probably not calibrated right because of how old it is."

So I'm using my stats from my nike chip instead of the treadmill.  I think they're more accurate - as strange as that sounds.

Today I was scheduled for a 4-5 mile run at a 10-11 minute pace.  In the end I ran 4.33 miles in 46:35, averaging a 10:45 mile.  I started to feel winded after the first mile, but I lowered my pace, pushed through and felt like the second half of my run was much stronger than my first.

Even running on the treadmill today, my knee felt great!  I'm really attributing it to the concerted effort to stretch every night to relieve some of the pressure on my joints (Kari - does that even sound medically accurate?).


Two more things:  

1. I was standing at baggage claim this afternoon and realized I had left out a couple of WADT pics!  I didn't want to wait until next week, so I went in and updated the post.  Check it out!

2. It's currently 62 degrees in Kent and 81 in Atlanta.  I LOVE FALL IN NEW ENGLAND.

Good night!

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