Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Half Marathon Training - 9/7/10

So Bruce e-mailed me today and told me that he was going to come along on my training run today.  I was scheduled for another 2-3 miles at a 10-11 minute pace.  I tried to map out a flat(ter) course, but I failed and accidentally sent us running up some killer hills.

Also - holy cow!  Have I mentioned that my husband was an all state runner?  Because he was.  And he is much faster than me.  But I managed to keep up!  There were a couple of times when I was desperate for a walking break (and probably would have taken one if Bruce hadn't been there), but I pushed through and am so glad I did.  We ended up finishing 2.82 miles in 28:48, averaging a 10:13 pace.

And still smiling at the end!

Tomorrow's run is 4-5 miles.  I anticipate some walking breaks, but we'll see.

I'm off to pack!  I'm leaving for Connecticut in the morning - I have a couple of ordination-related meetings and will be up there until Monday.

I'll be back later on tonight with my WADT post - I've gotten some great pictures already!  Send me yours if you haven't (sarahelizabethweaver[at]gmail[dot]com).

1 comment:

  1. Aww you're now that cute couple that runs together. Way to go!


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