Thursday, September 16, 2010

Half Marathon Training - 9/16/10

Roach update:  We got a note from the bug guys that said, "Please call the leasing office and have them put you on the list for the next 3 weeks.  This will take more than one treatment.  Thanks."

I'm going to pretend this whole situation isn't as gross as it really is.

However - after reading Mary's comment on my last post, I feel like it could be worse.


Moving right along ...

Bruce is adjusting my running schedule so I'm doing more 2-3 mile runs during the week when I don't have longer runs scheduled.  Eventually (as my mileage increases) 2-3 miles will turn into 4-5, but for right now the goal is to just get my legs working at a good pace without pushing too much.

Well, after yesterday's 5 mile run around Stone Mountain, 2 1/2 (ish) miles sounded like nothing!  Bruce offered to come along again and we covered 2.39 miles in 25:39, averaging a 10:43 mile.  There were one or two beastly hills and I just put my head down and tried to attack them without changing my pace. All in all, the run felt fantastic - I remember trying to run the same course a month ago and I didn't even make it halfway through!  It's amazing how effective training plans are.

As we turned the corner and headed down the last stretch towards our apartment complex, I called to Bruce, "Let's open it up!" and took off.  With the wind in my face, I had only one thought in my mind:  Waffles.

And that is what I made for dinner.

Meanwhile ...

Bruce made a salad with mixed greens with shrimp and turkey and sprinkled mozzarella cheese on top.  However, I am a firm believer that your body craves what it needs ...

... and sometimes you just need waffles.

I'm off to dig through my closet and try to clean out some of my notes and papers from seminary.  I had an epiphany this afternoon that I have digital copies of everything and they are all backed up on my external hard drive, so there is no need to keep the paper copies.

Unless, of course, I want to keep the copies where my professors had written, "Sarah, this paper is way too long and going nowhere!  Please learn how to write concisely."

And that, my friends, is why I have a comment section on my blog.


  1. Hey! I just found your blog! I'm 22 years old and live in Columbus, so I'm a frequent weekend visitor to Atlanta! One of my friends also graduated this year from Emory with her BA in Art History and English.

    Sorry about your roach problems! Ick! I just moved into a new-to-me house, which is actually quite old and was vacant for a few months... so I had some roach problems for about two weeks as well. Thankfully pest control came and sprayed and they're gone, I think...

    Scrumptious looking waffles, by the way! I wish I had a waffle maker.

  2. Your waffles for dinner reminds me of the Scrubs episode where they were so excited for "brinner" like it was a sacred meal or something. :P

    Awesome about tackling the hills, too!! Training really does take you far in such a short period of time..and you don't even notice it til you look back. It's really cool :)

    Oh, and glad my roach situation made you feel better about yours! hahaha!!


Hello and thanks for commenting! Unless I have your email address, I respond to all questions directly in the comment form. Check back if you've asked one! xo, Sarah

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