Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wear a Dress Tuesday

I walked into my group meeting this morning and one of the other interns looked at me, saw what I was wearing and said, "It must be Tuesday".

That, my friends, it proof that WADT might one day become a movement.

It was gray, gross and humid this morning so I pulled out a gray dress that I wear a lot with tights and boots in the winter.  I thought it worked well with black pumps!

The dress is from Target and the shoes are from my new favorite shoe store, Off Broadway Shoes.  I love this store because they have a big clearance section and you get a certain percentage back of your purchases that you can use next time you shop.  So when I bought these shoes I went back a week later and got like $2.50 off a pair of cute purple pumps on clearance, making them less than $10.  At that point they're practically giving them away.

Moving right along ... 

Sara thinks she kind of looks like a nurse today.  I love the white.

This picture, by the way, was taken in her new office!  Yay!

Last week I was introduced to Christen, who is a family member of one of my friends from church.  She's getting more and more of her friends/co-workers involved and I love it!

Christen (second from the left) and her co-workers.

Christen's friend Stephanie and her coworker Shonna.

Oh my gosh.  Stephanie and her daughter Alaina.  This is adorable.

Um, Bruce?  Tick, tock, tick, tock.

My mom said she was wearing a dress, but so far I haven't seen a picture (ahem, Mom, it's not like you just got back to work after a month off or anything).

Anybody else?  I LOVE opening my e-mail / google reader and seeing these on Tuesdays!

Annnnnnnd I'm off - I'm going stalk the radar for the rest of the night, go for a run in between thunderstorms and head to the grocery store (I'm out of peanut butter AND coffee, how did that happen?!)  Have a good night!  Happy WADT!


  1. So cute!! Love your dress today, Sarah!! :)

  2. Love the dress. In honor of WADT Craig bought me a dress (kimono style, jersey knit, heather grey) that I picked out at Target last night and had it at home for me when I got home from a long, bad day in Bath Springs. Yay for WADT.

  3. How fun! Reading this post makes me feel like I need to join in. Only thing is I look terrible in dresses these days. Maybe has something to do with my child bearing hips. Still working on fixing that!;)

    P.S. Thanks for your comments tonight. I smiled at the people need to mind their own business comment! Amen to that one, sister!


Hello and thanks for commenting! Unless I have your email address, I respond to all questions directly in the comment form. Check back if you've asked one! xo, Sarah

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