Friday, August 20, 2010

Life if Like a Game of Pool

First thing's first.  I had to drop off some stuff at the CDC for work today and it is kind of the coolest place ever.  For some reason I am fascinated by all things high security (it's my secret goal in life to ride Air Force One), so the fact that I had to get out of the car when I drove up, let them search around, pop the hood, go through medical detectors once I was in the building and THEN be escorted to where I needed to be made me feel like I part of something really cool.

Whatever, I'm a dork.  I'm okay with that.

Anyway, I was feeling kind of blah tonight, so my mom offered to take Bruce and me out to dinner.  She told us we should go to Olive Garden (apparently that's where she and my sister had lunch), but we were under flash flood warnings and the closest OG is 20 miles away!  So we chose the much closer Twain's in Decatur.

The first thing I did was order this ...

I love stemless wine glasses.  Once you drink out of one you realize just how pointless the stem really is.

Bruce ordered this.  This is one of the beers that they brew on site.

Yeah, so I have a tendency to go to breweries and order red wine.  I don't know what that says about me.

I was on the phone with my mom at one point and I heard Bruce say something to the waiter about onion rings.  I wasn't sure if he had actually ordered them ...

... and then ten minutes later this showed up.

Wow.  We tried to finish them, but failed.  This really is a four-person kind of appetizer.

So at that point I thought about ordering something healthy to balance out the wine and onion rings (and the chicken tacos and chips and salsa that my boss had bought me for lunch) ...

Yeah, I failed with that, too.  Eh.

After we attempted to finish our meals we took our drinks and headed towards the pool tables.

It was there that I decided that if all else fails in life, I could be a professional billiard player (billiard-er? billiard-ess?).

I also decided that life is a lot like the game of pool.  Sometimes, no matter how well you line things up, you just don't sink the shot.

But sometimes you get lucky.  You just never know.

Good night all!  Thanks for dinner, mom!

(And the game of pool.)


  1. My boyfriend has tried really hard to teach me to play pool. While I'm better than I used to be, overall I'm still pretty bad.

  2. i love those stemless wine glasses! & wow, those onion rings look amazing!


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