Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Oh my gosh.  First of all - y'all are so sweet.  I was reading through your comments on my WADT post and just about cried.  I love being able to share this with you!

Second of all - did you read the title of this post?  Yes, that's right.  I only have TWO MORE DAYS left of CPE.  How did that happen?!  Tomorrow I am going to spend the entire day off site with my group going through our final evaluations, so today was actually my second to last clinical day.  I cannot believe how fast this has gone by.

A lot of people have been asking me "What's next?" and that is a loaded question right now.  There are a lot of unknowns and I am still working out a lot of details, all of which I will share with you when I can.  What I can say is this - for the time being (meaning at least for the next few months) Bruce and I are staying put in Atlanta.  It's hard to believe we moved here nearly three years ago ... I never thought I would grow to love it as much as I do. :)

I have to cut this short - I need to proofread my final evaluation, figure out some insurance related things (being an adult is no fun sometimes!) and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour.  But I'll leave you with one thing - my dad was visiting my grandparents a few days ago and texted me a video of my grandmother playing piano during dinner at the community they live at.  The quality's not great, it's a downloaded text video, uploaded to vimeo ... but you get the idea.

Grandma Playing Piano For Dinner from Sarah Weaver on Vimeo.

She's such a rock star.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the last two days!!! and you're right about your grandma being a rock star. She was really GOOD! Get your head on straight and let's do lunch!


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