Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quick Post and a Prayer Request

First of all - you all rock.  Thanks for the messages and sweet words yesterday.  I am feeling so much better today.  It's amazing what a good night's sleep and conversation, reflection and processing with my peer group can do.

Oh - and barbeque.  The other interns and I decided we deserved it and stopped for lunch after our group meeting.

Yesterday was our HALFWAY POINT!  37 days down, 37 to go.  Actually, today it is 38 days down, 36 to go.  I cannot believe it - this program is really flying by.  I had planned on doing a "halfway" post yesterday, but then the day happened and I just didn't feel like writing much.  I'll try to do one this weekend - it'll be fun to look at my "initial thoughts" from six weeks ago.


This is going to be quick, because I'm hoping to get a second good night's sleep, but please pray for my Aunt Jane.  My parents were having a family picnic last weekend for the holiday and they had to bring her to do the hospital with severe stomach pain/attacks.  They thought she had appendicitis, but it ended up being some other strange lower gastro-intestinal thing.  She had surgery on Sunday and has been in the hospital ever since.  Her recovery has been slower than they hoped and I know she is frustrated.  My uncle is still staying with my parents (they live four hours away) and I cannot imagine how hard it is for him to be back and forth from an unknown house to an unknown hospital.

Thank you, friends!



  1. yay for half way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so sorry about your aunt!!!

    I hope and pray she is well soon!!!

  2. Praying from the southside... Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  3. I pray for your Aunt's healing to manifest quickly!


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