Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Worries, God's Got This

I got the following text from my sister this evening:
How was day 2/74? :-)
Can I just stop for a moment and say how grateful I am for my awesome and amazingly incredible friends and family for supporting me these past couple of days?  I know I can be overly dramatic at times (who me?!), but I was really anxious about starting up and having zero prior experience as a chaplain.  Having people check in and sending positive vibes has made all the difference in the world!

I was a little sluggish this morning.  Our carpets were getting cleaned today so Bruce and I were up late last night running the vacuum and moving furniture around so the guy coming in to clean could cover as much surface area as possible.  My 5 a.m. alarm was not well received this morning so I gave myself an extra hour and had to move a little bit more quickly once I was up to get out on time.  I really need to get to bed early tonight - I am staying late at the hospital tomorrow to shadow the on call chaplain and really don't want to be dragging!

Today was - in many ways - similar to yesterday.  We were in the hospital today, but spent most of our time in the chaplaincy office conference room going over program things and more orientation stuff.  From the sounds of things, we will start to get out onto the floors tomorrow (supervised, I hope of course!), but we are also going to be doing some role play with the residents (they are the chaplains that are completing a year-long CPE program, they have been at the hospital since last August).  Us interns will start our on calls THIS WEEKEND (luckily I'm not on call until next Friday) so we each need to shadow one of the residents this week.  I am staying tomorrow until 10/10:30 p.m. so you may not hear an update from me tomorrow night.

That's a lie.  Y'all know I can't help but update this thing incessantly when I'm going through transitions. It's my vice.  It keeps me sane.  Remember the weeks leading up to my wedding?  Oy.  Besides, it will be fun to look back on one day.

We had worship this afternoon with the other chaplains and a few of the staff members.  The resident who planned the worship preached a really fantastic homily on trusting God with the things in our lives that overwhelm us.  I'm not sure if the message was aimed at the interns, but I felt like she should have started it off by saying, "Sarah, this message is for you."  Let's face it - I am definitely terrified of what my floors, my nights on call, my referrals and my pages might bring.  But God called me into the ministry - if there's something I can't handle, God's got my back.  It's as simple as that.

Don't get me wrong.  I still will need to make my rounds, answer my pages and follow up with referrals. Saying that "God's got my back" doesn't give me a Get Out of Jail Free card (hmm ... bad analogy).  But it does help me breathe and relax as I navigate the bumps, bruises, twists and turns of this new journey.  And breathing and relaxing is probably a good thing when it comes to being a chaplain in a trauma center.


And on a completely unrelated note, my sister told me in our text conversation (textersation?) that my mom got one of those refrigerated cold mailing boxes and is shipping us the top tier of our wedding cake!  I know it seems like a silly tradition, but for some reason I really want to celebrate it and I am insanely grateful to my mother for trying to make it happen.  Our anniversary is in less than two weeks!

Besides - the only cake I got at the wedding itself was the bite Bruce fed me.  People kept telling me how good it was - I'd like to taste for myself!


And this is even more of a completely unrelated note, but I was about to hit 'Publish Post' when I looked behind me and saw this ... 

How do cats always look so comfortable?

One of the great mysteries of life.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it sweet girl! And you will be amazing! Something that helped me while at Wesley Woods was to think of the people I saw as residents rather than patients. Even if the people are in the hospital, and only there for a short time, their room is their home. They are living there and I was their guest. Viewing them in this light helped me stay in a chaplaincy and therefore theological perspective rather than a medical perspective with medical terms. It's the little things that make the biggest difference. Be yourself sweet girl. You have all the skills - now go in there and rock their socks off!


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