Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wear a Dress Tuesday - A Day Late

Okay, my wonderful friends - I failed you.  I never managed to get a Wear a Dress Tuesday post up yesterday.  But in fairness to me the forecast that I showed you (rainy and miserable) wore me out and I pretty much just wanted to curl up in bed and re-read StoriTelling.  So that's what I did.

Also - I was trying to figure out the sizing of the WADT button all day and I was having technological issues so I finally just gave and decided to look at it with fresh eyes (and clean contacts) today.  And guess what - technological success!!  Now if you participate in WADT you can grab the html code and you've got the button.

Wear a Dress Tuesday

Onto my day ...

I got a text message during my morning class from my mom (who has been faithfully participating for weeks) with the following picture attached ...

Look at that gorgeous sunshine!!  Yesterday was a rare spring moment when I wanted to be in Connecticut over Georgia.

We were a little discombobulated at Candler yesterday because of end of the semester craziness and special events so we didn't manage to get everyone together for the picture.  Here's what we did get ... 

Me, Sara and Beth

Sarah and Stacey also were in WADT attire, but - alas - were not in our picture.

My friend Alyssa sent me a facebook message and said that she was participating again and the trend was quickly spreading across the Millersville campus.  That makes me so happy!!

Katie over at My Story is Not Over Yet also joined in.  She sent me a twitter message (tweated me?) on Monday night to say that she had her and her (sweet, adorable and precious) daughter Spencer's dresses all ready to go!!

Hooray!!  I love Wear a Dress Tuesday.  If anyone else joined in, please let me know.


I was feeling a little blah about ordination and the future last night so my wonderful and sweet husband is taking me to the Braves game tonight to cheer me up!!  They are playing the Phillies so I am going to shame my father by showing up in Braves attire to root against his team (sorry, Daddy!!).


  1. I NEED DRESSES!!!!!

    I want to participate but I dont have dresses to wear :(

    I need to get the ball rolling on that!!!

  2. I'm putting the button up on my sidebar! I forgot to take pictures of us, but I'll make sure to take some next Tuesday. Have fun at the Braves game tonight!


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