Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cure For Tuesday Morning Grogginess

I was very slow to get out of bed this morning and was contemplating jeans when I realized, "It's Wear a Dress Tuesday!"  Shower, hair and makeup it was. :)

Although these days doing my hair means pulling it back into a bun.  It's too hot for anything else!

It has been a busy day, but I had a wonderful church member bring me lunch.  I love my job.

Gotta go!


  1. YAY!!!!!

    Sarah, way better!!!! Your eyes look so happy :D

    IT make a difference!!! . . .so I am totally just going through all of your posts about food. . .um YUM!!!!!! you do so many great things with food- wish I had that talent!!!!

  2. Love that you pushed through the grog and embraced WADT and felt so purty & happy! It really does work!


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