Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Insanity In The Village

I interrupt your regularly scheduled blogging ...

... because this is currently the view from the front of the church and things have been crazy around here as a result.

I have to say that it is extremely unsettling to drive up to your church and see a swarm of police cars, firetrucks, news vans and cars.  Apparently there was an explosion (or a series of explosions) at the nearby Foundry which started a fire around 8 a.m.  There were people in the building, but I don't know of any injuries - this article on NBC10 gets updated as new information comes in.

In other news, my bookshelves are going in!  My office smells like wood and I am already in love.

I'll be back later when things slow down - I am hopefully planning a fun dinner tonight!

1 comment:

  1. hooray for the smell of wood & sawdust! oh, love! the bookshelves look like they're progressing. and oh, a misplaced comment on dinner - looks awesome, and those ramekins are adorable!!


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