Monday, May 9, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Good MONDAY morning!

I say MONDAY like that because so far it has been a MONDAY - I was just standing ten feet away from my office phone and it called someone and put them on speaker phone.  Oy.

I heated up some waffles for breakfast, which were delicious!

I have a funeral, Confirmation Sunday and a wedding to work on - so I have to make this short!  But I used to draw a winner for my Wear A Dress Tuesday inspired giveaway and the winner is ... my sweet friend Amy!

Amy and I went to college together - she was a senior when I was a freshmen and we met through our Christian fellowship.  She is now married to a wonderful pastor and they have a beautiful son Vincent!

That was fun - I think every time I find something that reminds me of Wear a Dress Tuesday I'm going to give it away.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. praying for your busy week too...

  2. I love that mug. It immediately made me start singing "It's the agee of Aquuariuss" in my head- haha!

  3. eep! altho that would be hilarious - the phone calling someone... congrats to amy!!

    and also, i'm w/ mary - that mug makes me sing the same thing in my head!


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