Friday, May 6, 2011

Children's Rescue Mission - Bread Training Project

What does a day call for when it is supposed to be 72 degrees and sunny AND I have the day off?

Waffles, of course!

Buckwheat Mix - filled with lots of whole grains and fibers.  Delicious!

Yesterday I got a call from Miguel, the Founder and Director of Children's Rescue Mission, the organization that basically changed my life and started me down the path to ministry.  He was telling me about a new program they have going on down at the mission in Teupasenti, Honduras that I thought was awesome and wanted to share.

As part of a Culinary Training Project, they are training single mothers to bake bread and other bakery treats.  There are so many positives to this program.  The hands-on training can be used as these women look for jobs and seek to cook and bake for their families.  They also use the food that is baked in the classes to feed the children that come to the mission.

The more I delve into healthy living and cooking and baking from scratch, the more I realize just how much I wish good nourishment for the entire world.  This program is working from the inside to bring basic, wholesome and healthy necessities to hundreds and hundreds of children and their families.

Check out more of what they are doing here - I just love this organization and Miguel so much!

Have a great day everyone!  Make it a beautiful one!

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