Monday, April 25, 2011

Post-Easter Clearance Candy

The kid in me absolutely loves the day after candy-focused holidays because all of the leftover candy goes on sale!

I was visiting someone in the hospital this morning, but Bruce was out and about and got some for me!  I think he is campaigning for husband of the year. :)

Breakfast this morning was delicious.  I fried two eggs (cooked all the way through - sorry, I can't handle dippy eggs!) and served them on the side of cornbread that I heated up with some butter.  The cornbread was part of a huge basket of goodies gifted to us yesterday from some church members.  It was incredible!

I also put cheese on the eggs (why not?).

I'm currently in my office getting ready for a meeting tonight ...

(What I'm currently reading - has anyone read it before?)



  1. How sweet of Bruce to get that for you!

  2. aww, good hubs! i love cheese on eggs... mmmmm! and i haven't read that book, but like your nail polish. : )


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