Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final Preparations

How is it Maundy Thursday already?  I need a liturgical pause button, please!

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I called to Bruce to see if he could make coffee.  I thought he was joking when he responded with, "We're out of coffee."

OUT OF COFFEE?!  I'm not sure how we let that happen.  Especially during Holy Week!

Bruce to the rescue!  He went out for coffee and bagels while I was getting dressed.

He bought the bagels whole and we cut, toasted and put our own toppings on them.

Look what was waiting for me when I got to church!

A package for me from central Pennsylvania with an absolutely stunning handmade prayer shawl in it!

I love the detail and these charms.  And it's so soft!  Thank you Sue!  You are right - this is perfect for my office.  And it couldn't have shown up on a more perfect day.

I'm currently snacking on a yogurt/granola parfait and listening to the organ tuners tune the organ above me.  FYI - Organ tuning is not a quiet process.

Think they take requests?


Since I've become a regular contributor on Girl Talk I haven't posted links to all of my posts, but I absolutely love today's post.  Please check it out!


  1. Ohhhh, THANKS Sarah! So now I have to go buy some yogurt and granola for the store.... I'm going to have more food here than at home! That just looks so good!

    Hope all your services go well this week.

    He is risen indeed!


  2. That's a beautiful prayer shawl!!


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