Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dreaming And Scheming

Whew!  Long day.  But good day.  Very good day.  Do you like my new "head shot" photo on the top of my blog?

Dinner was late and had to be quick!  I made some Extra Noodle soup, crushed some yellow corn tortilla chips in it and topped everything with cheese.

I seasoned it with lots of black pepper.  Delicious flavor!


So over at Girl Talk today they are doing a blog hop about "dream stores" that you would love to open one day.  I was thinking about it on my way home tonight and dreamed up a Fair Trade Coffee Local Artisan Crafts and Photography Shop.  I know that sounds like a mouthful, but how fun would it be?  I could stock Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate from Equal Exchange, sell freshly made baked goods and make sandwiches and soup for lunch and dinner.  And while you wait for your food you can peruse artisan-made jewelry, pottery, carved wood and photography prints to buy.

I know, I know.  In my spare time.

Maybe one day!  Goodnight all ...


  1. That cafe is my dream... Well, throw in a jewelry studio in the back and a shelf to display it on, and you have my future Cafe! It's going to be maroon and orange.

    Congrats on your Ordination! :)

  2. LOVE the new pic, it's perfect! Congratulations on your Ordination!


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