Monday, March 7, 2011

More Details!

I have been waiting to write this post for WEEKS and now that it's time to actually write it, I think I am in shock!  But here you have it - some details about my search process, my ordination, my new (amazing, incredible and all around wonderful) church and our upcoming move!

Where is the church?

The church is Rehoboth Congregational Church in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.  Bruce and I talked about whether or not we wanted to be so open about where we were moving to, but realized that you could google "Sarah Weaver + UCC" and find out pretty quickly where I was.  Rehoboth is in the southeast part of Massachusetts - it's about 15 minutes from Providence and under an hour from Boston.  It's a really easy three hour drive from my parents.

When do you start and when do you move?

I start on April 1st!  We'll move on the 1st and my first Sunday is April 3rd.  Although technically I've already sort of started working.  It's amazing what technology lends itself to.

When and where is your ordination?

My ordination is on April 10th at 3:00 at my church in Kent.  All are welcome - consider this your invitation!

How long have you known about this?  Where you in Rehoboth this weekend?

Confession time - I've known about this since February 6th - Superbowl Sunday.  When I wrote this post I was more excited about the fact that I had been offered and accepted a job that afternoon than I was about the Superbowl.  Actually, when I posted this picture ...

... we weren't toasting the Packers.  We were toasting my new job!

I couldn't say anything on here until it was official - and it wasn't official until this past weekend.  In the UCC, pastors are technically hired by the search committee - but the entire congregation has to vote yay or nay to make it official.  That vote happens after the pastor preaches his or her Call Sermon (for lack of a better term - an audition sermon), which is what I did this weekend.

On Saturday morning Bruce and I woke up and drove to Rehoboth.  We got there around noon and had an informal meet and greet with the members of the congregation all afternoon.  We went over to our Bed & Breakfast around 5 and then headed back to church for a spaghetti dinner and dessert auction.

And three hours later I threw a pie into the face of one of the youth group members.

It's a long story.

Sunday morning I was wide awake and a bundle of nerves.

Can we talk about my husband for a second?

We were in Red Sox nation, I was trying to get a JOB and he was wearing a BRAVES HAT.


Church started at 10 and the sanctuary was packed!  Everything went smoothly and as soon as the final amen was sung, Bruce and I were escorted downstairs.  10 minutes later I heard applause coming from the sanctuary and the co-chair of the search committee came flying into the conference room we were sitting in 30 seconds later.  It was all celebration from there on out!

We left Rehoboth around 6 last night and got home at 9.  We were both exhausted but too wound up to fall asleep!

Was this the first job you were offered?

Actually, no.  I was offered a job at the very end of January, but it would have taken me pretty far away from the northeast.  At first I thought I was okay with that, but as I was traveling to and from to meet with the church (remember when I was stuck at the airport in January?), I realized that I didn't want to be that far away from our families again.  In this economy and knowing how long some of my friends were in the search process, it took a lot for me to turn down the offer (I hung up the phone after turning it down and sobbed), but a week later I drove to Rehoboth for the first time and felt instantly that it was the right place for me.  Isn't it strange how things work out?

How is this going to affect your blogging?

Probably not all that much.  Time-wise, blogging is something that comes naturally and quickly to me.  I've gotten into a good routine with posting and have been able to turn out 2-3 posts a day in between everything else that's been going on in my life.  I may only post 1-2 times a day now, but I promise I won't fall off the wagon.

Obviously I am not going to talk about anything and everything that's going on in the church, but most of the people there know about my blog and have checked in at one point or another (hi guys!).  I love food blogging because it gives me a creative outlet and because it nurtures me on a really theological level.  I recently updated my "about me" page and it says, "My approach to food blogging is not completely traditional.  I do not photograph and post every morsel of food that goes into my body.  Nor do I spend my days dreaming up completely original recipes.   My approach is very theological - in the same way Jesus prepared and welcomed all to his table, so do I."  I think pastoring a church and writing a food blog is going to be an epic combination. :)

Are you going to buy or rent a house?

The church actually owns a parsonage that we are going to be living in.  It's a beautiful house and a perfect size for the two of us.  It has a great kitchen with lots of light and a huge backyard that Bruce has been given permission to plant a vegetable garden in!

So ... You have to move again.

I don't want to talk about it.

Does this mean you are going to root for the Red Sox now?

I plead the fifth.


Okay, I'm sure there was more I wanted to share, but it's late, this is getting long and I feel like I covered the big stuff!  If you have any more questions, shout them out in the comments section and I'll answer them tomorrow!  It's Shrove Tuesday and I'm preaching at the Episcopal Church in town!  For now I'll leave you with images from a celebratory dinner at my parent's house.

I definitely dipped my fried chicken in a ketchup/ranch combination.  It was amazing.  Can I patent it?

Night all. :)


  1. This is so wonderful and I'm so excited for you guys and your new journey:) And PLEASE become a red sox fan:) How could anyone NOT love a team who's team song Is Sweet Caroline (little known fact...that IS my actual name. SHhhh).

  2. Hey Sarah, Did you read the fine lines in the contract? I know being a RED SOX fan is in there somewhere !!! Steve

  3. How exciting! Thank you for taking the time to share all this - it was so interesting to learn about. Congratulations on everything. This wonderful opportunity is so well-deserved!!

  4. Congratulations Sarah! We are so proud of you and excited that you're only going to be three hours away. But, I can't believe I had to hear the announcement in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday morning (while attending Girl Scout Sunday)! Looking forward to hearing you preach tonight....Lynn

  5. I love your conviction to welcome everyone to your table. I want that, too.

  6. i love this! so exciting! your new church is beautiful. and only 3 hours from family, not bad at all!

    i want to hear you preach! :)

    that food looks delish!

  7. Love your new church and office. I know they are thrilled to have you. You did a great job keeping that secret too!

  8. Congrats! If you become a Red Sox fan though... :-)

  9. Congrats on the job! I graduated from Messiah College with a degree in Cross-Cultural Christin Ministry. I am thinking about going to seminary after my husband finishes up school. Do you have any advice? Did you find it hard to find a job? Did you apply to specific denominations? Love the blog-you're an inspiration! Thanks :)

  10. Congratulations! I've been going to that church since middle school and I am so happy that we have found such a wonderful pastor :) I can't wait to meet you! Currently I'm at college, but I hope to make it down at some point either during my next vacation or summer to see you and hear you. I love your blog (my parents, who go to the church now, sent me an email with the link and told me to check it out - glad I did!). I am an aspiring writer and food-lover myself, so it really hit home with me. Anyways, hope all is well, and good luck on April 3rd and welcome to the Rehoboth Congregational Church family :)

  11. Hi Haley! I am busily planning Easter services and was wondering if you were coming down to Rehoboth for Easter? I'd love to meet you!


Hello and thanks for commenting! Unless I have your email address, I respond to all questions directly in the comment form. Check back if you've asked one! xo, Sarah

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