Saturday, March 19, 2011

Goodnight Moon

Someone got a standing ovation tonight!

The show was wonderful ... as always!  Actually, the humor is such that every night I "get" a new joke. 

Then I laugh, whisper, "I GET IT!" and Bruce wonders why he married me.

We're watching the UCONN men play and eating a late late late dinner!

(And an unhealthy one to boot!)

The moon is supposedly the largest it's been in 20 years.  It's so bright!

Night all! :)


  1. A: that pizza looks delish!
    B: I was wondering what was up with the moon tonight myself. So thanks for letting me know :-)
    C: You crack me up with the fact that you get a new joke each night! That's too funny!

  2. That picture of the moon is AMAZING!!


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