Saturday, March 26, 2011


I realize it's 2 a.m. and most normal people don't blog at this hour, but I'm trying to unwind after a busy day and this is the best way I know how.

After tonight's show we had an "adult cast party" at our lovely choreographer's house.  Every year she hosts this party and every year there is wayyyyy too much food.  This year she had it catered by PRIMOS!

All of this + an assortment of drinks.  I drank a Corona and pretended I was on a beach in Mexico.

Pictures from the show tonight - great audience!

I love her smile in this photo.

Let's do a quick poll - who has actually listened to a record in their lifetime?



Another successful show!  Two more shows tomorrow and then it's back to reality (musicals do not equal reality). We move a week from today!


  1. I definitely listened to records growing up.

  2. Sarah, catching up late...what sow is this and where? Your dad is the director or something? Looks awesome!

  3. I remember my parents having a record player when I was younger. Does that count?

  4. Hi Rick - my dad is the choral director at NMHS and directs the musicals every year. They are doing Drowsy Chaperone this year - the final two performances are today at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10!

  5. I definitely have a working turntable, a significantly-sized record collection, and listen to records pretty often... I know I'm the exception to the rule, though. :)


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