Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well ... I have good news. :)

I have been called as the Senior Pastor of Rehoboth Congregational Church in Rehoboth, Massachusetts!  We're moving on April 1st and I start on April 3rd.

More details to come tomorrow!  For now it's time to unpack the car and try to deal with the flooding in my basement (what a treat to come home to, right?).



  1. hey sarah, congrats!! and wow, you're moving in a couple weeks, that is fast! : )

  2. Praise God. How wonderful. I'm so happy for you girly!

  3. Hey Sarah,Sorry to hear about your flooding !! This weekend was so GREAT!! Wlcome to our Church Family!! Steve

  4. Congratulations on your calling! You deserve this! Can't wait to hear your blogging.

  5. I know I'm a few days late here, but even so I wanted to send a huge congrats your way! You definitely do deserve this opportunity!

  6. Wow! That is so amazing! Looking forward to reading about your new adventures in Massachusetts :)


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