Monday, February 21, 2011

Peanuuuuut Peanut Butter ... And Chocolate!

We woke up to a winter wonderland!

We haven't had a snowstorm in two weeks!  Considering the winter that we've had, a two week gap between storms is half a miracle ...

When I posted the recipe for Chocolate Chip Pancakes the other morning, Sarah said that if she were making that recipe, she would top it with some melted peanut butter and bananas.  I don't really like bananas, but peanut butter?

Ohhhhhh, yes.

I melted the peanut butter in the microwave in increments of 30 seconds, then drizzled it on top of the pancakes.

Yes - it was as delicious as it looks!

The best part?  I inadvertently added protein to my breakfast!

It's a good thing, too.  I'm going to need the protein to shovel the driveway!

Have a great day everyone!  Anyone else get a snowstorm?


  1. We only got a couple of inches here in Rehoboth !!!

  2. Yum! We have pancakes every sunday, and Brandon always eats them with peanut butter and apple sauce. I don't like peanut butter so I just have them with apple sauce and maple syrup. YUMMERS!

  3. Steve, that's good to hear - I like knowing Rehoboth gets less than we've been getting over here!!


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