Friday, February 4, 2011

Maurice! The Baguettes! Hurry Up!

Morning!  Did you happen to see the hair up vs. hair down debate that I inspired over on Caitlin's blog?  Check it out and weigh in!

We started off the morning with some AM Yoga again.

Standing Poses today!

Breakfast featured last night's French Baguettes

I made a two-egg omelet with sharp cheddar cheese, seasoned with sea salt and pepper. 

And served it will a baguette piece.  Clearly I didn't hold back when I cut my piece.

X-Large cup of coffee, Central Perk style. :)

I lit this candle during yoga to give the yoga room a sweet smell and brought it downstairs with me to make breakfast.  I love scented candles!

Alright, today's going to be a busy day - have a great one!


  1. HA! Love the title of you post! :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE that you quoted Beauty and the Beast. That baker's line is one of my favorite parts and my sister and I quote it all the time :)

  3. Nice debate you started! I always start with my hair down and then I throw it in a ponytail after a while, which actually never looks all that good. You look good in both styles so however you feel you won't fiddle with it.

  4. sharp cheddar omelet ...mmm! also, beauty & the beast! excellent! : )


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