Thursday, February 10, 2011

Early Birthday Present

Someone got an early birthday present ...

And that someone is ME!  My birthday is not until Saturday, but this package appeared at my house yesterday from my bff Sarah.  It's from Ten Thousand Villages!

Also in the big box?  These beautiful bowls.

Sarah said to me on the phone last night, "You can use them when you do your fancy 'this is how much salt to use in this recipe' blog posts."

I love that my friends know me so well.

Still staring at my new-favorite bowls, I made myself a yummy breakfast of coffee and oatmeal.

Against a cloud of better judgment, I took the oatmeal off of the stove and put it under the broiler for about 2 minutes.  I was hoping to achieve a crispy top.

I'm not sure I got what I was picturing in my mind, but I didn't ruin the bowl, either.

And sometimes, that's enough of a victory for me.


Thank you thank you thank you Sarah!  Soak up some of that beautiful Florida sunshine for me. xoxo


  1. Those bowls are gorgeous. Happy early birthday!

  2. They are beautiful!! And they will look so good with all of that delicious food you're making :)

  3. I just love Ten Thousand Villages (and your birthday gifts are gorgeous). Happy early Birthday,Sarah!

  4. You are so so SO welcome, my love! I can't wait to see them in action! And I'll try to soak up some sunshine...when the sun comes out again. That huge snow maker for the rest of the country pushed through Florida today and it has been POURING since 4am. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow *insert Annie showtune in here*...and I am thankful that I don't have to shovel the stuff that falls from the sky! Love you!


Hello and thanks for commenting! Unless I have your email address, I respond to all questions directly in the comment form. Check back if you've asked one! xo, Sarah

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