Thursday, February 3, 2011

AM Yoga

Morning all!

Bruce and I have decided that we really want to start our mornings off with yoga.  We have the Rodney Yee DVD, AM Yoga, which has several 20-minute yoga sessions.  I know 20 minutes isn't very long, but it is a perfect length of time for a workout that you can integrate into your everyday routine!

We are so spoiled right now with a yoga room.

We did a 20 minute hip opener session.  It felt awesome!

It was nice to pop down the stairs feeling refreshed and ready to start my day (as opposed to stumbling into the kitchen, muttering something about needing coffee).

We had a couple of pieces of bacon left in the refrigerator so I decided to cook them up and make a Bacon, Egg & Cheese sandwich for breakfast.

When I make egg sandwiches I cook the egg yolks all the way through.  I know some people like them runny - just my personal preference!  What about you guys?

Coffee X 2.

The sun is shining!  Let's make it a great day. :)


  1. We just made your oatmeal bake yesterday for breakfast and we LOVED it! My hubby even liked it and he's a chef! :) Thanks!

  2. YUM! That looks delish! I like mine cooked all the way thru too, most of the time. :) Yay for the YOGA! :)

  3. Runny. very runny. Better for dipping!

  4. i just found your blog and having a great time scrolling through your posts! (can you teach me how to take a photo, please??) how great is it you have a room just for yoga! turning green over here. :)

  5. I like my eggs cooked through on a sammie too but I like them a tiny bit runny when they are on their own!

  6. Kristen, I'm so glad you guys liked the baked oatmeal! Let me know what kind of variations you do on it.

    Angela you are so sweet - let's talk photography sometime!

  7. Looks like runny eggs may win out. :) Bruce would eat dippy eggs every day of the week, but I'm just not sold on them!


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