Friday, November 12, 2010

Sunday Style

Good morning!  I am absolutely giddy this morning because one of my favorite blogging friends, Leslie, is guest-posting for me this morning!  Leslie blogs at A Blonde Ambition and her blog is full of fashion, style, the latest trends and so much more.  She has also been featured in several magazines and blogs!
I asked Leslie if she would be willing to do a guest post on church fashion for me.  Let's face it - I will be spending the rest of my life wearing a black robe during worship services, so I am not the best person for advice on this subject!  But I do think that part of living a balanced life (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) is feeling good about yourself on the inside AND out.  That is, after all, what Wear a Dress Tuesday is all about!

In other words ... It is okay to worship God in cute shoes.

Alright, I am going to shush up and leave this to the expert.  I will be back later for your regularly scheduled blog-programming.  Take it away Leslie!


First of all, I’d like to thank sweet Sarah for letting me “guest” post for you all today! Sarah and I have been bloggy friends for quite some time now and hers was one of the very first blogs I started following when I entered the ‘sphere.

Sarah recently came to me with the idea of doing a post about church style; what to wear, how to wear it and how to create stylish but conservative ensembles appropriate for worship and I thought it was such a great topic!

The holidays are fast approaching and many churches (including mine) have many different kinds of Christmas events, dinners and services. Styling for the holidays can be a bit tricky, since you definitely want to avoid looking like a disco ball at the Christmas cantata. Here are a few tips for coming up with a great, festive outfit for church:
  • Avoid heavy embellishments and excessive jewelry for holiday services and church; I usually stick to one or two items of jewelry at church. When in doubt, a simple pair of pearl earrings or studs can add just enough shine to an outfit. Also, look for small doses of detailing. The dress below from Ruche is a great example of the perfect balance of conservative/stylish with a simple patch of sequins perfectly placed on the shoulder.

  • Feel free to wear as much red during the holidays as you want, just make sure it’s the RIGHT shade. Garish hues like bright cherry or fire engine red are too distracting. Instead, opt for shades of garnet, brick and ruby, which are much classier and won’t have you looking like a tree ornament. The coat below will do nicely.
  • Invest in the perfect, winter coat for use during the holidays and the cold months following. My favorite is the classic pea coat done in a striking winter white. A coat like the one below is gorgeous over any outfit and looks clean and polished.

Other tips for dressing stylishly for church, during the holidays or not:
  • Keep the height of the heel under 3 to 3 ½ inches. As much as I love my skyscraper-tall stilettos, I prefer keeping church heels a little more conservative. Another great church footwear option is a slouchy boot with a moderate heel. This look is not only super chic, but also very comfy for those cold treks to morning worship.

  • Tights are your BFF this winter at church. Invest in 2-3 pairs of tights in neutral colors and wear them under long tunic style tops and dresses for a fashion forward approach to covering up.

  • Dressing for church doesn’t mean you have to look like a school marm. Look for visually interesting details like a cute brooch or ruffled trim on a dress or top to add flavor to worship-appropriate attire.

Some of my favorite places to shop for my church clothes:
Ann Taylor Loft
Victoria’s Secret

(Sidenote: Contrary to what you may be thinking V.S. actually has some very affordable and adorable options for office and church clothing…check em’ out online, you might be shocked to learn that the lingerie giant is also pretty crafty in the clothing department!)

Once again, thanks so much for stopping by today and a big, blonde thank you to Sarah for letting me crash at her place today!

Be blessed, lovelies-



  1. Great post! I am obsessed with those 2 jackets, especially the red one! It's being added to my Xmas list right now :)

  2. Thanks for this! My husband and I are running in the Atlanta Thanksgiving races -- he the 13.1 -- and me the 5K! Love to see another GA girl around! Going to list your blog on mine now!

  3. very cute choices! I really like that red and white coat :-)

  4. Good post. I always enjoy reading her blog. I remember when she first started hers!!! Now, you can still look great under your black robe, right?

  5. I love all the clothes Victoria's Secret sells on-line. I only wish they sold them in the stores so I could easily try them on.


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