Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bye Bye Mantel

Happy Sabbath!  After a Saturday full of packing, running, cooking and moving things around, we did not make it out of the house in time for worship this morning.  We DID make Sunday School, though!  I felt bad, but we are so busy that's something's gotta give every now and then.

Breakfast was PB&J oatmeal!


We're trying to pack the kitchen around the pots, pans and utensils that we normally use.  Bruce says that as soon as the half marathon is over we're packing everything and eating cereal and sandwiches until we move - SAD!

Kari and Bruce are out running errands and left me home to a stack of dirty dishes.  As I washed, I realized how hungry I was!

Eggs scrambled with leftover ham from the Cheddar Chowder, seasoned with sea salt and pepper and topped with cheese.  So simple!

All wrapped up.

Our mantel came down today!  I think those holes are going to require a few coats of spackle ...

I'm off to bake a Chocolate Pecan Pie!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes simple is just what the doctor ordered! And this breakfast burrito looks great :)


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