Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baptisms, Kayaks And The Power Of The Color Pink

Oh myyyyy.  Can we "fall back" every week?  I got so much done today!

After breakfast, Bruce and I headed to church for sweet Ephrem's baptism.

Check out this beautiful church!

(I used my new wide angle attachment to take this photo!)

Hmm - the photo is fuzzy.  Ick.  Anyway, the baptism was beautiful and the service was awesome.  I was so happy to have been a part of it.  Today was All Saint's Sunday, a time when churches recognize the saints in their congregation that have gone on before them.  I always feel like my grandfather is with me on All Saint's Sunday.  It is amazing how close I feel to him - even though he died when I was only one - as I journey towards ordination.  I hope I'm making him proud ...


We headed back to Tim and Elisabeth's for lunch after the service was over.  Elisabeth absolutely outdid herself in terms of food - White Chili, Cornbread and Snickerdoodles!

I think I ate four pieces of cornbread.  Oh my.  Yum-me.

We came home and I literally spent the entire afternoon and evening bouncing back and forth between my Statement on Ministry for my ministerial profile, the pile of laundry on my bedroom floor, packing and the puzzle that I started last night.  I took multi-tasking to a new level, but somehow got a ton of stuff done.

Bruce cooked a whole chicken in our dutch oven with veggies for dinner.  It was so incredibly tender and delicious!  He served it over egg noodles.

I seasoned mine with sea salt and pepper!  I'm loving sea salt these days - it gives great flavor and you end up using less of it, which is much healthier.

Cereal for dessert / late-night snack!

Look carefully behind the cereal!

Look how much progress we've made!  We have kayaks!  I think I may have found a new love for puzzles ...

As for the rest of my multi-tasking ...

I believe in the power of the pink pen!  After completely marking up my latest draft and making it pretty in pink and I started over with an entirely new word document, made some (I hope) great revisions and e-mailed it off to some friends who have been helping me out and reading my drafts.  I hope I'm finally on the right track!

And packing ...

... see for yourself!  The photo on the left is about a week and a half ago and the photo on the right is tonight!  The pile of boxes is definitely growing in height and width (but I feel like my apartment doesn't seem any less full!).

Alright, bedtime for this girl.  I need to take some deep breaths - it's been a long day.



  1. PRETTY church!!!!

    I love the blog makeover!

  2. It looks like you're making great progress on the puzzle, editing another draft, AND your packing:) What a productive day!!

  3. I like to edit in color, too - pink, purple, tuquoise, green! It makes it so much more fun :)

    Glad you had such a great - and productive - day!!


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